Thursday 8 February 2007

Tennis Racquet Stringing Machines: Electronic Machines

Electronic tennis racquet stringing machines are the most sophisticated and consistent available, the more expensive machines such as the Babolat models, are the staple diet of tournament stringers, and all the features on these machines are of the highest calibre.

In this type of tennis racquet strining machine, tensioning systems are controlled by microprocessors and repeatability is excellent. The six point frame mounting is self centering and the 360deg clamping system is second to none.

The previously described manual tennis racquet strining machine uses a cheaper copy of the Babolat mounting and clamping system, but it doesn't have the rigidity or ease of mounting that the Babolat machines have.

There are a number of much cheaper electronic tennis racquet stringing machines on the market now, but often the frame mounting and string clamping systems are of poor quality. Because of this fact, and considering the extra cost involved, there is no real advantage buying electric over the manual version. Many cheap so called, "electronic" tennis raquet stringing machines are not constant pull, depite what is said, so caution is needed when purchasing.

It should also be remembered that if an electronic tennis racquet strining machine goes wrong, you have no machine to use, so it is absolutely essential that there is physical back-up available from the machine dealer to cover this type of emergency.

Electronic tennis racquet stringing machines can cost from £850 to £5000.

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